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Nebula Filter H-Beta 1.25-inch

Nebula Filter H-Beta 1.25-inch

Explore Scientific Nebula Filter 1.25" H-Beta Range from 478nm to 496nm with peak at 489nm. Transmission 94.5% H-Beta - Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and many...
Nebula Filter Oxygen III 1.25-inch

Nebula Filter Oxygen III 1.25-inch

Explore Scientific Nebula Filter 1.25" O-III Range from 483nm to 511nm with peak at 496nm. Transmission 96.7% Oxygen III - This is the highest contrast Nebula Filter in the series,...
Neutral Density Filter 1.25" ND 0.9

Neutral Density Filter 1.25" ND 0.9

The neutral density filter transmits light uniformly across the entire visual spectrum. It serves as an excellent filter to reduce glare and irradiation when observing the Moon with any telescope...