Unlock the Secrets of the Cosmos with the QHY 5-II-M: Superior Electronic Optics for Astounding Visuals. Capture breathtaking high-resolution images, reveal hidden details, and embark on a visual journey like never...
Unlock the Secrets of the Cosmos with the QHY 5-II-M: Superior Electronic Optics for Astounding Visuals. Capture breathtaking high-resolution images, reveal hidden details, and embark on a visual journey like never before. Seamlessly integrated with advanced optics, versatile compatibility, and real-time connectivity, this compact and user-friendly astrophotography solution is your gateway to the wonders of the universe. Experience unparalleled image quality, precise controls, and robust construction, all supported by a comprehensive software suite. Join the ranks of stargazers, photographers, and explorers who rely on the QHY 5-II-M SEO for their visual pursuits. Elevate your celestial adventures today!
QHY 5L-II-M Monochrome CMOS Camera
For Planetary, Lunar, Ha Solar, & Bright Deep Sky Imaging
- Aptina 1/3” MT9M034 CMOS Sensor
- 1280 x 960 pixels
- Small pixel size of 3.75um
- USB and ST4 interface
- QE of 74%
The QHY5L-II is the size of a 1.25” eyepiece and sports the 1.23 Megapixel Aptina MT9M034 monochrome CMOS sensor, which features high sensitivity and low noise. With an unbelievable 74% QE, the QHY5L-II's sensitivity exceeds many CCD sensors. The readout noise can reach as low as 4 electrons, and the sensor's on-chip FPN (Fixed Pattern Noise) calibration function keeps the image clear and uniform even under high gain. With these advantages, the QHY5L-II produces outstanding image quality for planetary imaging, guiding, deep sky imaging or when using in conjunction with a wide angle lens as an all sky camera.
The QHY5L-II also offers high-speed data transfer performance. It can achieve 30 FPS at full resolution and 200 FPS at 320x240. This frame rate is quite good for planetary capture.
Both native WDM drivers and Broadcast WDM drivers are supplied with the QHY5L-II. This means you can use it as an ultra high-performance webcam or for live video broadcasts. You can show your friends what’s happening in the sky in real-time with this camera. Learn how to install QHY and ASCOM Drivers for QHYCCD Cameras in the comprehensive video below!
Aptina MT9M034 Sensor
- Optical Format: 1/3 inch
- Active Pixels: 1280 x 960
- Sensor Size: 4.83mm x 3.63mm
- Pixel Size: 3.75um
- Shutter Type: Electronic Rolling
- Max Frame Rate: 30 FPS progressive scan
- ADC Resolution: 14-bit, on chip, 8-bit/12-bit output
- Dynamic Range: >115 dB
- Binning: 1*1
- Exposure Min & Max: 20us - 10 minutes
- QE: 74% peak