Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Reducer/Flattener (.77x)
Optimize your astrophotography with the Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Reducer/Flattener (.77x). Achieve exceptional image quality, reduced aberrations, and pinpoint stars across the frame. Enhance your astronomy experience and capture the cosmos in...
Optimize your astrophotography with the Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Reducer/Flattener (.77x). Achieve exceptional image quality, reduced aberrations, and pinpoint stars across the frame. Enhance your astronomy experience and capture the cosmos in stunning detail with this essential accessory for your Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED telescope.
- 34mm fully illuminated field but can handle full frame as well
- 95mm back-focus (55mm when back focus spacer and M48 ring installed)
- Drops f/ratio from native f/7 (840mm) to f/5.4 (647mm)
- Reduces exposure time by 68% compared to native f/7
- Built-in 2" filter cell for mounting filters
- 3.18 x 2.12-degree field of view when used with a full frame camera
- 2.08 x 1.39-degree field of view when used with APS-C crop sensor

Sky-Watcher Esprit 120ED Reducer/Flattener (.77x)